Web Development and Cloud Computing
With the removal of the session store from SvelteKit, it's now a build-your-own adventure. Learn some ways to restore it's functionality.
Avoid wasteful state re-calculations and re-renders when using SvelteKit page data from $app/stores
How to use Svelte Stores for lazy-loading of Firebase Firestore SDK and data with an easy approach to control query parameters.
How to create Headless or Renderless Components with Svelte to allow you to combine your own HTML markup and CSS styling with read-made behaviors for interaction and Aria Accessibility.
The new modular Firebase SDK is better than it was but can still bloat your JS bundle to adversely affect your Lighthouse score and Core Web Vitals. Learn how to lazy-load for faster startup.
Why does Redux require so much boilerplate? Why is it such a chore to use? Can't we have an easy to use state store without the complexity? You can - with Rdx
How to delay code dependent on polyfills without the loading of polyfills slowing down your app startup. Browser compatibility AND speed, achievable together.
Automating the firestore emulator for unit testing in Go (Golang)
Imagine if your web-framework shipped with the browser and ran as native code, wouldn't that be great? Well it does - it's call the platform and it's awesome.
Polymer 3.0 was just announced and with it some major changes. What do they mean and where might things be headed? Plus what is this lit-html template engine?
Learn how to add Toolbars and Dialog Boxes to your Polymer Starter Kit project cleanly.
Redux is a great state management library, Polymer is a great WebComponent library - here's how you use them together.