Web Development and Cloud Computing
Redux is a great state management library, Polymer is a great WebComponent library - here's how you use them together.
Want to share state between elements that are separated in the DOM? Not sure if you should be using Redux? Find out the easy way to do it with Polymer 2.0
The design and technologies used can have a huge impact on the operating costs of an app. For a bootstrapped micro-startup it's critcal to pick the right ones.
Creating a micro-startup software business can be fun, exciting and a fantastic learning opportunity to sharpen your skills and try out new technologies.
How to access firebase database and manage authenticated user accounts from a Go (Golang) server without an official Firebase Admin SDK for Go
The danger of accidentally sharing memory when using a bytes.Buffer Pool in Go
Learn how to make non-active views truly inert when using Polymers iron-pages and app-route elements and prevent wasted DOM updates and AJAX calls
Developing pure WebComponents makes our code investment more reusable and longer lived vs writing for specific frameworks
Using prebid.js header bidding with Dfp to add additional revenue streams and increase adsense earnings at the same time.
How to add HTTPS to your Go website using free SSL certificates requested automatically from Letsencrypt using the ACME protocol
Answers to common web development issues people run into when starting to develop Single Page Apps (SPAs)
How to make Prebid.js work with Dfp Light (Glade) for even faster Dfp ad loading by using a simple shim.